Kitsur Shulchan Aruch

Kitsur Shulchan Aruch 16. The laws about when you can be interrupted during the reading of blessings before the "Shema" and of the "Shema"

1. Laws "Shema" and its blessings, the blessings have "created light," "Thou hast loved us with a love of the great ..." and "the truth, and no doubt ..." (as well as the evening "Shema" and its blessings) stricter than the laws psukim de -Zimra; and "Shema" with the blessings consists of separate sections. And the boundaries of these sections: between the words "... the Creator of Light" and "You loved us eternal love ...", between the words "... who has chosen His people Israel with love" and "Hear, O Israel ...", between the words "... and the gates your "and" will, if you will obey ... "between the words" ... the heavens are above the earth "and" with the Lord said to Moses, ... "1.

2. Being on the border between sections, you can answer "Amen" to any blagoslovenie2 heard, and even more so to answer the Kaddish, Kedusha and Barham. But the phrase "Blessed be He and blessed be His Name," not to be pronounced. And also, if at this point the reader hears the whole community worn out: "Hear, O Israel ...", do not pronounce it together with all the verse: "Hear, O Israel ..."; but let him utter the verse to which he got a loud voice what the community says "Shema" to make it appear that he was reading with them.

3. From the middle of the section that reads "Shema" answers "Amen" only blessing "... Gd is holy" (third blessing "Shmone Esre ') and a blessing" ... who heard the prayer "(sixteenth blessing" Shmone Esre "). And when he hears the Kaddish, he can say, "Amen, so be His Name great blessings eternally forever and ever!", And when the Hazan says the phrase: "... spoken in the world. And say: Amen "- must also answer" Amen. " And the rest, "Amen," which is necessary to respond to the Kaddish, will not answer, because they do not belong to the main part of the Kadisha. But when Hazan says Kedusha - let him be silent and listen to what Hazan says. And let utters with the community, "Holy, holy, holy is the L-rd of hosts! The whole earth is full of His glory! "- and silent. Then let utters with the community: "Blessed be the glory of the Lord in every place of its stay." And the more he should not utter anything because everything else does not apply to the main part of the Kedusha. And if he hears Barham, both from Hazan, and caused by the Torah, should answer: "Blessed be Gd blessed forever and ever," and also to answer "amen" after a blessing caused to Tore3. And if the community reads "Modimo de Rabanan" (insert with repetition KHAZANOV 18th blessing "Shmone Esre" - Trans.), Even bow along with everyone and say: 'We thank Thee' - but no more. And if he hears thunder, some say that it is possible to interrupt and say the appropriate blessings, and some believe that for the sake of it does not follow preryvatsya3 *.

4. The above cases - those cases in which, as we said above can be interrupted in the middle section. If praying currently reads blessing, even adjusted to so that a break occurred in the place where one topic ends and another begins. And if he is reading the very prayer "Shema", let will adjust so that the break came at a break between verses. But if this does not happen, it is allowed to be interrupted even in the middle of the verse, but then he must start from the beginning of the verse, in which paused.

5. What we have said, (in the cases listed above, are allowed to be interrupted even in the middle section), does not apply to himself the verse: "Hear, O Israel ..." followed immediately by the phrase: "Blessed is the kingdom of the glory of His Name for ever and ever" 4 as you read these verses, it prohibited interrupted for any whatsoever reasons. Even if the prayer welcomed the king at that time forbidden to respond to his greeting. And by the words: "I am the L-rd, your Gd" and "true and certainly ..." 5 and should not be interrupted in any way, as it is written in the Torah: "And Gd - Gd is the true" - do not cut off between the words "your Gd" and "true ...". And it would be reasonable to arrange so as not to be interrupted while not utter the word "true and surely" (as and the second word - a synonym for the word "true"). And then it may be interrupted in the same way as in other places in the middle section. (As for the greetings and responses to welcome - in our time, people do not pay much attention to it, and for that you can not be interrupted even between sections).

1 In the evening prayer, moreover - between "... redeem Israel" and "Give us peace ...", as well as between this blessing and "Shmone Esre". And MB says that perhaps the whole chapter "And the Lord said to Moses," evening "Shema" has the same law as the pause between sections. And cm. Below, section 5.

2 In addition to the pause between the words: "... who has chosen His people Israel with love" and "Hear, O Israel ..." when you can answer the same way as in a pause between sections, and also it's a blessing. (It is written in the membrane and does not say that this opinion is disputed. But elsewhere MB says that, according to some, is the same law for any pause between sections). And if possible, we should say: "... with Love" at the same time KHAZANOV not to have to answer "Amen."

3 And some question whether this case should be to answer "Amen." But in the pause between sections should certainly be answered.

3 * And if he heard thunder in the pause between sections, bless.

4 If it is after the verse: "Hear, O Israel ..." before the words: "Blessed be the Name ..." or in this very phrase, MB writes that what the law in practice is unclear.

5 And the same law for the evening "Shema" between the words "true" and "worthy of belief."