10 Interesting facts about our country

1. Israel - one of the world leaders in life expectancy - the fourth largest in the world. Male life expectancy - 80.5 years, women - 84.0 years.

2. Israel's population, according to the Central Statistical Office, on April 27, 2017, amounted to 8.68 million people. Israel ranks 93rd in the world by population.

3. In Israel the biggest museums in the world per capita.

4. Israel is in second place in the world for the production of books per capita of the population.

5. Israel - one of eight states that can run in its own space satellite.

6. Coast of the Dead Sea is the lowest portion of the land on Earth.

7. In 1964, Israel became the first country in which established a subsidiary of Motorola outside the United States. Motorola Israel specializes in providing unique communication solutions in areas such as management systems, establishment of a monitoring system of terminals for the Postal Service, as well as the development of products and software solutions for wireless handsets. Israeli engineers working in this company in Haifa, have developed the first mobile phone.

8. Israel has the most scientists per capita.

9. The first antivirus software was developed in Israel in 1979.

10. In Israel, most lawyers per capita (1 lawyer for 140 people).

Imrey Noam