Tuesday, 30 May after the sun will "Shavuot" - holiday giving of the Torah. Commandment of the day - to listen in the synagogue reading of the passage of the giving of the Torah.

The Midrash says that on the mountain "Sinai" there were several miracles: a) from 10 voice utterance, the prophets of all ages have received the power to prophesy and to reveal new sages of the Torah. B) votes in the giving of the Torah was divided into 7 votes, then 70 languages. This miracle expresses that the source 7 commandments for the 70 nations of the world is the Torah itself. B) Saying the 10 utterances do not constitute an echo. You need to understand for what purpose was the last miracle?

The absence of an echo at giving of the Torah because the sound is reflected and penetrates into all material objects. After the giving of the Torah in the world of dramatic change, is now fulfilling the Torah and the commandments, we combine the spiritual and the material is attracted to the world of holiness and doing Gd dwelling in the lower realms.