Squeezing lemons Shabbat (Part 3)

The second explanation, offered by the author of "Beit Yosef" "Or, perhaps, it is forbidden to squeeze the juice separately, then to mix with water or a drink, but if you usually immediately mixed with another drink, then it is allowed." It is more ustrozhayuschy possible explanation: if at first squeeze out the juice, and then add it to the water, it would be prohibited because of the step occurs, in which by squeezing creates a self-existing fluid, even if later it is used in a mixture with something, it is does not matter, the main thing - the very first stage: in Egypt, squeeze the lemon juice into the water, so it is allowed. Those. "Beit Yosef" doubts, and it is very important to understand that there is a precedent - a custom in Egypt that can help those who squeezes a lemon into the water, but allow to squeeze the lemon juice as such, not in the water, on the basis of this precedent - it is impossible.

Opinions of the authors' Chaya Adam "and" Mishnah Berurah "

Known scribe Rabbi Avraham Danzig ( "Chaya Adam"), who lived in Vilna 200 years ago, also raised this issue. Here it should be mentioned that in the "Shul Khan Aruch" in Section 320 is a small point: "You can squeeze a lemon." So, according to the understanding of "Chaya Adam", "Shulchan Aruch" allows to squeeze the lemons into the water to drink with sugar. In the "Shulchan Aruch" do not have these subtleties, squeezing is not mentioned in the water, but learning all that leads "Beit Yosef", we see that the "Shulchan Aruch" means the same custom in Egypt, became a precedent for squeezing lemon juice. "Chaya Adam" believes that it is a question of lemonade, lemon juice because it itself does not drink. Then he makes the important amendment that all this was true during the "Shulchan Aruch". Here it can be seen the important idea that Halachic varies in accordance with the realities. This principle, and adheres to the author of "Chaya Adam": he writes that before lemons squeezed only to impart flavor to meat and other dishes, but in his time (ie 200 years ago), when it is known that lemon juice is filled barrels to make punch, as well as throughout squeezed lemon to drink punch, you need a deep and detailed investigation, whether it is possible to do on the Sabbath. "Chaya Adam" finds it necessary to emphasize the difference in the use of lemon juice during the "Shulchan Aruch" and in his time, because this distinction is the reason for his doubt whether you can squeeze the lemon as it did before.

Until now, we could see that in speaking of squeezing lemons, all of the law, which forbids it to do this action equate to squeezing mulberry and pomegranate, ie, classified as the prohibition of "de-rabanan", and no one thought that the lemon can be "lifted" to the level of olives and grapes, ban from the bench, which - "de orayta". That did it, "Adam Chaya", which "raised" the highest lemon Feet Shabbat prohibitions: according to his point of view, all drives are still facilitate the explanations and conditions may only apply to the prohibition of Zion. But in the case of the prohibition of the Torah there is no way to facilitate on the basis of the differences between objectives, situations, etc. Therefore, "Chaya Adam" argues that squeeze lemon on the Sabbath in any case can not be - a "Melachim". On what basis did he make such a conclusion? Based on the fact that the world is squeezed out a lot of lemon juice for making punch (or lemonade). And as it has become an industrial scale, and it was a defining moment in the decision, "Chaya Adam." To many it must stop, because in their minds it was olives and grapes have a special place: the liquid is squeezed out of them has a special status - they are two of the seven species of alahicheskih "drinks". It turns out that lemon juice will also become one of these "drinks"? And before dipping it in any food will be needed to make the set Alah washing of hands? And then, this principle can extend to other juices, such as orange. And since today is squeezed everything all squeezed liquid acquire the status of "de Maschke orayta" ( "drink" of the Torah). And it has an impact on many laws, not only in the laws of Shabbat.

Chafetz Chaim in the "Mishneh Brur", commenting on this small point, allowing to squeeze lemons on Shabbat, writes: "It is possible to squeeze lemons, and even drinks, despite the fact that they decided to squeeze in everyday life, because they do not squeeze the juice, but only for flavoring food, they [m. e. of the law], the rest of the fruit [which can squeeze] ([that says Roche)], and even if taken them to squeeze in everyday life in the water and sugar to drink for fun, it is still the world made to facilitate and to do so on Shabbat [as "Beit Yosef"], and maybe this is due to the fact that are not prohibited, but only when taken to drink the juice of the fruit, not mixing with other drinks, or from the fact that not prohibited, but only when it is squeezed liquid separately, and then mixed with other drinks. But if the custom - to squeeze out the liquid in his other drink, it is permissible [as "Beit Yosef"]. And so in our time [ie, at the beginning of the XX century - later than "Chaya Adam"], when it is known that in some places filled with barrels of lemon juice to drink it with a punch, you need in-depth study [question] whether they can squeeze into a drink on the Sabbath. Because, perhaps, there is a similarity with the mulberry and granatom6, and due to the fact that usually squeeze in a separate bowl, you have to be careful to squeeze the first on sugar. "

"Chaya Adam" also wrote that the only permitted method of squeezing lemons on Shabbat - a squeeze lemon into sugar, and then the sugar with lemon flavor added to the water. But in fact, he "Chaya Adam" dissatisfied with his own advice, believing it to be very problematic. After all, the ultimate goal - is to get the liquid and spin - only an intermediate step. And since in his opinion it is all "de orayta", he says, it is better not to do so. "Mishnah Berurah" This makes it easier, considering spinning sugar wonderful idea. Why? Because the Chafetz Chaim not ready to raise the level of the lemon "de orayta" as olives and grapes. "Mishnah Berurah" expands the law in accordance with changes in reality, but only in regard to the prohibition of Zion: they prohibited us to squeeze the fruit, which resemble the ban "de orayta", and as such it is a lemon is today. The man, seeing that the squeezed lemon, can be forgotten and will squeeze the grapes. Similarly, if during the time the wise men were allowed to squeeze the pomegranate, people would spend the analogy and began to squeeze the grapes. But the prohibition of the Torah itself - is inviolable, it is an ideal standard, is not amenable to any changes: it is installed since the time of the Sinai Revelation and is not related and can not be linked to any changes in reality. And the "Chaya Adam" was a completely different approach: Laws "de orayta" also expands or contracts in accordance with the occurring changes in life.

From the magazine "World of Torah"