What is the Sabbath?


Sabbath - rest

Shabbat - it is an island of tranquility in the cycle of trouble, anxiety, struggle and adversity that characterizes our daily lives for the other six days of the week. Each week, approximately 25 hours, the world literally stops: the business is closed, the car is in the garage, phone calls, radio, TV and computer are turned off, worries of material life are hidden behind the veil of forgetfulness. Interrupting their creative involvement in the physical world, we focus on our inner world - to family, friends, on our inner self, our soul.

Shabbat - awareness

On Shabbat we remember that we can not do with the world of all that we like because it does not belong to us, and is the work of God. On Shabbat we also remember that Gd took us out of Egypt and commanded that we have never been slaves of earthly masters: our work, finances and physical training - is only tools, the means of achieving our Divine purpose, but not the rulers of our life.

Shabbat - Identity

Shabbat - Israel is the bride, inseparable with the Jewish people. This is - one of the best ways to show our Jewishness and pass it to our children. We stayed true to the Shabbat in all countries, cultures, and circumstances throughout our chetyrehtysyacheletney history - and in the glorious days of Solomon, and in the black night of the Inquisition. And this dedication, in turn, was a means to preserve our Jewish identity. Or the words of the famous Jewish writer, "Even more than the Jews kept the Sabbath - Saturday kept the Jews."

Shabbat - enjoying

Shabbat - a delicious meal, a magnificent table, candlelight, sweet singing, enjoy the dream. During the week, enjoy the pleasures of life is associated with a particular problem - we are physical beings in a physical world, and must always be alert to the fun does not lead us to degradation. But on the Sabbath and soul and body be lifted to a higher, more spiritual level, and to enjoy Sabbath, eating the food, drink and comfort - it is a mitzvah, Gd act.

Shabbat - Spirituality

Shabbat - is the soul of the week. The idea that animates her and asked her direction. As taught by the sages of Kabbalah Shabbat all the accomplishments during the entire previous week reaches its full implementation and elevation, and Saturday also gives blessing to all accomplishments of the upcoming week. Observance of the Sabbath provides the blessing of the Almighty for success throughout the week, and gives a sense of expediency and our daily existence.

Shabbat - the taste of the world to come

"While there will be no hunger or war, no jealousy or rivalry. Everything will be in abundance, and the most delicious food will be available as dust. All the aspiration of the world will only result to know Gd." So the prophets and sages of Israel describe the Age of Redemption - "seventh millennium" that will be the ultimate implementation and execution of the six thousand years of human history and the efforts to turn this world into a "house of Gd." Each week, the Sabbath gives us a taste of this future world.

But just like the taste of any delicacy, as it neither describes, can not be understood without experiencing it yourself - so it is with the essence of Shabbat. Ultimately, the best answer to the question, what is the Sabbath - is "Try it!"
