Zohar Hok LeIsrael

(from the book Introduction to the World of Zohar)

Dvarim, chapter Nitzavim, second day

It is said in the book of Rav Amnun Saba about Rosh Hashanah prayers: the prayer and the sound (voice) of blowing the horn, coming from the righteous, comes out of the horn, as if from the ruach and nefesh of that person, and this voice rises up. All the accusers standing above that day are driven out when the voice of the shofar is raised - they cannot be near him.

Happy is the lot of the righteous who know how to concentrate and direct their desires to the Lord and who know how to correct the world on that day with the voice of the shofar. It is said about this: אשרי העם יודעי תרועה - happy are the people who know (comprehend the meaning) of blowing. Knowledgeable, not just trumpeting.

On this day, a person who is perfect in everything, who knows the ways of the holy King, who honors the King, should pray on behalf of the society. Only such a person should pray for everyone on this day.

He can attract the voice of the shofar from all worlds with a high intention in his heart, wisdom, great desire, and his perfection, so that to his merit the judgments will go away from the world. Woe to those people on whose behalf an unworthy person prays, since because of him the sins of the world are remembered.

It is said about this: אם הכהן המשיח יחטא - if the anointed kohen sent by the people of Israel sins, then this is the fault of the people, and the people will be judged.

And if the messenger of the community is a worthy, purified person, then the people are happy, since all the courts go to his merit. And even more so if this person is a kohen, through whose merit the higher and lower levels are blessed.

Therefore, Rabbi Elazar said: it is necessary to check the Kohen and Levi, their behavior and habits, before allowing them to begin work. And if they are not checked, they cannot start working. The same applies to people sitting in court in the Sanhedrin.

And when the Kohen or Levi are worthy, they begin work in the House of the Most High. And if not, then no. It is written about this: וללוי אמר תומיך ואוריך לאיש חסידך - and he said to the Levi: Your tumim veurim are intended for the man of Hesed.

How did he merit Urim Vetumim* and do this work? Because it passed all the tests. "He who says to the Father and Mother: I have not seen him...

And since they found themselves at all these levels, then: יורו משפטיך ליעקב וגו' - the laws will indicate to Yaakov... ישימו קטורה וגו' - they will bring incense to calm anger and bring peace. וכליל על מזבחך - and perfection on Your altar, so that everything is perfumed, and so that blessing is present in all the worlds. אז ברך ה' חילו וגו' - then the Almighty blessed His Army...

* Urim Vetumim - precious stones on the clothing of the high priest

When the high priest was asked a question of primary national importance, to which the sages could not find an answer, the letters in these Urim Vetumim were highlighted, and the answer was formed from them.

This was possible due to the special height of holiness of the high priest, the members of the Sanhedrin and the entire people of Israel. When this holiness left, the Urim Vetumim also lost their ability to answer questions.