Tale: The two witnesses.

A widow. Dying, her husband left her a rich heritage: a set of gold and silver coins and bars. Widow all afraid that her obkradut, and could not figure out where to hide their treasures. Finally, she put them in clay pots, honey poured over the top and put in the closet.

One widow had a long time to travel to distant lands. Before leaving, she has brought pitchers treasure to a neighbor and asked him to save them before her arrival. In these jars, she told him, of course, not said, and hoped that he would look at them not. But very soon the neighbor's house was a great feast, and by the end of the meal the guests at the table is not enough honey. The neighbor decided to pour honey from the jar widow. As soon as he scooped out, I saw that there is gold, not honey. He looked into the other widows pitchers and saw that they were full of treasures, as the first. Then a neighbor, without thinking twice, shifted all the wealth in their dishes, came out of the closet and no one said anything.

After many days the widow returned to Ashkelon, a neighbor took their pitchers, brought them home and ... Oh! Pitchers were empty. I cried the widow, ran to King Saul and told him that robbed her neighbor. And by law to offend widows were not supposed to. - Witnesses have you got? - asked tsar.- Somebody saw you put her money in honey?

- Who can see it? - cried vdova.- I'm doing it in secret.

- Since no witnesses - nothing can help you, - said tsar.- Now you except that God will help.

Cried the widow, he emerged from the palace and wandered down the road. A children playing near the road. One of them, red with gold beautiful eyes, saw the widow, ran up to her and asked sympathetically:

- What happened to you? Why are you crying? Widow told him how robbed her neighbor, the king had judged, and the time she has no witnesses, then she was left penniless and all alone in the world.

- Do not cry, my good woman. There is still hope, - he said the boy quickly come to the king and ask him, so he called me to judge. And the truth will come to light.

Hurried to the widow of King Saul and told him all the boy ordered. '

- Let him come and judge - the king agreed. The boy came to the palace. The king saw him and laughed:

- So small and already undertake to judge?

- I do not judge, but the Lord - proudly answered the boy, - I just do what I can. Allow me, and I will judge these people. truth itself will come to light.

- Well, judge, - the king nodded.

Boy told to bring a neighbor, and the widow sent for pitchers that she left him. When the widow brought pitchers, the boy pointed to their neighbor:

- These pitchers left you a woman?

- This, - said a neighbor.

Then the boy started taking pitchers, one after another, and break them into small pieces. No one knew why he was doing. Suddenly one of the fragments of brightly flashed two gold coins. They stuck to the bottom of the jug, and do not fall into the hands of a thief.

- That's - the two witnesses! - have a boy on monety.- And this is - a thief! - he pointed to soseda.- and witnesses told the truth.

The thief knew that the truth came to light, and the widow returned all the money he stole from her.

Soon entire Jewish people knew the story of how the boy reasoned widow with a neighbor and brought to light the truth. And everyone said that he clever and God is with him. The name of the boy was David, and the time came when he became king of Israel.