Once a day, we gaze at the sky ...

Rabbi Nachman was at one student, a great tzaddik who understood in bondage and performed many of his Rabbi chudes.Zvali Haykel

One day he rode with Rabbi Nachman and his group of Hasidim, and he asked Rabbi Nachman stop in a village to its rodstvenniku.Zaehali they saw in his house dire poverty, the house is empty of food, everything in the house is broken and is broken! Children with his wife hungry, in short any longer! But this Jew was very glad to unexpected guests, he knew who the Rebbe Nachman with his disciples.

Haykel Rabi suggested that a relative to take Shabbat candlesticks and to lay them to buy them food and entertain the guests that did hozyain.I how his children were happy to suddenly fell off "wealth"!

Rabbi Haykel seeing such a thing, really took pity on a relative and asked teachers to bless this poor Jew that he razbogatel.Rabi Nachman told him that he does not want to bless him, and if Rabbi Haykel wants to let him bless.

But he was very confused as to the presence of the holy Rebbe Nachman, he will bless! Only after 3 attempts of Rabbi Nachman persuaded Rabbi Haykelya bless rodstvennika.Rabi Haykel took home a rag with a stick, in the house poured water on the floor, and began to pour it on all sides, saying: "The wealth of the north, to the south of the wealth, the wealth of the east-west wealth" Thereafter, all but the owner left.

After a short time we stopped in this village Gentile merchants with their goods and went to this Jew home in the hope that he had them fed and watered.

When they saw his house and heard from him that the house is empty of food, they were shocked and decided to give him a little about the money so he could buy their product, and save the family from starvation ...

It took some -time, the former beggar Jew, as they say "roll", bought from these merchants of goods and resold quickly become rich ...

... And once the newly merchant "business affairs" Breslav came to the market, and ran past the windows where Rabbi Nachman lived in the hope that he will not notice it .But Rebbe Nachman remarked, called him to the window and asked: "What do you see around you?" - he replied: "I see how people on the horse and cart to run -syuda"

And then asked him, Rebbe Nachman: "Do you looked at the sky today?" and heard in response: "No," said Rabbi Nachman: "It will take 50 years, will not be here either you or me, neither of these people, and horses ... Why are you so confused -Custom of money that you have no time even to once a day to look at the sky ?!

... At this time, in another room of Rabbi Nachman was Rabbi Haykel. He called his teacher and said: "Now you see what happened to your" blessing "that a person from running for the money do not even have time to look at the sky ?!"

... Let us, and we in our naaaamnogo terrible time pursuit of material at least once a day, we gaze at the sky. In a very real sense ...