Day 164. Avoid gossip

Adar 15 - 16 Elul

"Sefer Chafetz Chaim"

avoid gossip

Unfortunately, there are people who constantly gossip, perhaps from idleness and the need for social aktivnosti.Esli you feel that you can not help that person change his company should be avoided, and if contact with him forced by circumstances, reduce it to a minimum It should be avoided as subjects, leading to gossip. The best thing - is to learn to translate the conversation away from these in order to protect themselves and all those present on rehilut.

"Sefer Shmirat well-lashon"

Market day

From a spiritual point of view of the world - fair, and every day - "market day" .u trader who works only during seasonal sales, a lot of free time, while the market is closed. But when the season starts, unless he can go on vacation? Of course not. He must work to support semyu.S spiritual point of view, this world - fair, where every day - "market". In this world, a person must earn the award, the light of the future world. If he is too lazy to study the Torah and the commandments, allowing days to run in vain, that he would take with him when he runs out of his days on earth King Solomon warns: "Everything that you can do it ... do it, because there is no business, no design, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest "(Kohelet, 9:10). Jew must serve the Creator all his soul, to do everything it can, because in front of him waiting for retribution world where nothing else will reach. Sages comment on the verse "... keep the commandments which I command thee this day to perform" (Deuteronomy 7:11), so "today" - in this life. This life - time performance of the commandments, and the main prize awaits tomorrow - in the next world (Avodah Zarah 4b) .Skolko require a person to gain! After all, it is necessary to stock up on merit not for months or years, but for eternity! And do not forget: to guide children along the path of the Torah - it means, in part to secure a future world, it also requires a lot of dedication and care. And who do not have opportunities to educate their children, even tries to teach other Jewish detey.Pust as each carries out its mission on the ground well. Hillel said, "If not now, when?"