Kitsur Shulchan Aruch

Kitsur Shulchan Aruch body 12. Preparation for prayer and a place suitable for prayer

1. It is said in the Scriptures: "Prepare to meet your Gd, O Israel." It is understood that a person should prepare yourself for the anticipation before Gd blessed, wearing smart clothes for prayer, which puts going to meet with an important dignitary. And even if he is praying alone at home, even if dressed properly. And in places where there is a custom to walk belted prohibited to pray, not podpoyasavshis1.

2. Good practice - to give alms before prayer, as it says: "I, (redeemed himself alms), see Your face." Also, before any prayer a person must take the commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself", bearing in mind that he will love every Jew, he loves himself, because if, God forbid, Jews heart lower world are separated in the upper worlds, as there is no agreement. A consent to the Jews in their earthly bodies leads to unity and mutual affection of their souls, which are in the upper worlds, and because of this, and their prayers together. And this united prayer of all Jews pleasing Gd blessed.

3. It says in Scripture: "Keep your feet when you walk into the house of Gd" and our sages teach that a "down" refers to the body, in this case the holes located near the feet. Therefore, before prayer a person must check yourself whether it needs to use the toilet. And if he feels that he was at least a little bit to use the bathroom - it is forbidden to pray. And, while his body is disgusting, it is forbidden even to repeat the words of the Torah, not ochistivshis2. But if it so happened that the person has read the prayer, when he needed to use the toilet - if it considers that during the prayer like the toilet is not enough to be able to endure the time required for the passage of a Parsee (ie, 72 minutes ), his prayer he loses. And if not, then even if he has prayed his prayer is disgusting and he should pray more occasions, 3. And some say that if he can tolerate 72 minutes, he was even allowed to pray. And you can rely on this authorization in the event that he understands that while he was going to the toilet, while molitvy4 pass. And see below, Chapter 18, Section 16.

4. Anyone who feels absolutely clear that it is not able to resist and do not emit gases, not yet read the "Shema" and "Shmone Esre" - it's better to miss a prayer time than would pray with unclean telom5. And if prayer time is really gone, he is considered to be constrained (ie hit the force majeure situation and is not responsible for their crimes). (And then he will have to make up for the missed prayer, as explained below, in Chapter 21). And if it appears that it can be kept from the emission of gases during the actual reading "Shema", even impose Tefillin after the second blessing to the "Shema", immediately after the words: "To elect His people Israel with love" - and blessings on them.

5. Before prayer you must wash the hands to the wrist. And so, let the person even washed his hands in the morning, if then he touched her hands to some dirty place, that is, a closed place on the body, which acts as sweat, or if he scratched his head, or if it is washed in the morning hands up to the wrists he must before praying again wash ruki5 *. And if he does not have the water (that is, if he is on the way), he must try to find water: go in search of water 4 kilometra6 forward or back a kilometer previous7. And if he is afraid that, while he thus to search for water, it will take time molitvy8, let him wipe his hands with a cloth or dust or any material that removes dirt and prays, as it is written: "I wash my hands ... cleaning." "Wash" - that is, if possible, wash with water. And if this is not possible, the "cleansing" that is, any material that removes dirt.

6. If a person washed his hands in the morning as expected and did not remember that they soiled whatever it was, nevertheless, because it is already distracted by worries about clean hands (and even if he was involved in the Torah, it is also called a "distraction" ) - to pray it will also need to wash hands with water. But in this case it is not necessary to go back or forward in search of water, that is, if he does not have a previously prepared water, and while he would look for her, will be held during public prayer - though not looking vodu9 and cleanse the hands of any material that removes dirt, and praying in the minyan.

7. Let the man try my best to pray with the community, as it is written: "And I - this is my prayer to You, Gd, at a time when she pleases." What is the "time when prayer is pleasing?" - this time, when the praying congregation. And the Scripture says: "So God said: at the time when prayer is pleasing, I will answer you." And by prayer Almighty communities do not turn away, even if there are sinners in the community, as it is written: "Behold, Gd many, and he will not turn back." And it is written: "It is the world redeemed my soul out of trouble, because the community was with me."

8. If a person was in puti10 and gotten to the point where he wants to spend the night - if you come on the road at a distance of four kilometers there is a place where the community prays, and if he can reach dotuda before dark, so as not to have to go it alone at night - he must go through these four kilometers ahead and pray in the minyan. And the more he should not go from the place where there is a minyan, if he has time to pray in a minyan and reach his goal before dark.

9. Important Commandment - to pray in the synagogue or the Beit Midrash, because it - the consecrated place. And even if they are no longer active, ie, they are not going to minyan, nevertheless there is a commandment to pray there, even in odinochku11 as the sanctity of the place is preserved. Someone who usually studies at Beit Midrashe12, let there and pray in the minyan of ten people, even if in his town, there are a synagogue. But one who is not in the habit of study in the Beit Midrash, let him pray in the synagogue, as it has more people, but "in a cluster of many people - the king's." If in two synagogues, one should go to a distant, to get a "reward for the steps" (that is, for the fact that he has spent efforts on the way to the synagogue - pens).

Said Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: "Let a man always comes to the synagogue early to be among the top ten, because, even if after a hundred more will come - he will receive the same reward as the one hundred and put together." Another said the teacher of our blessed memory, that those who every morning and evening comes to the synagogue on time is rewarded with a long life, as the Scripture says: "Happy is the man who listens to me, clings to the door of my day-to-day policing shoals my inputs. " And after this verse says, "For me to be finding life."

10. A person should choose a synagogue and Beit Midrash, where he will pray constantly, and let it choose his permanent place for prayer. In this case, different places, separated by less than 4 ama, considered as one destination. And well, if he could choose a permanent place of prayer at the wall, as it says about the king Hezekiah, "King Hezekiah and turned his face to the wall ...". And let, pray, is not necessary and does not sit next to the villain (in violation of the Torah).

Praying at home, you should also choose a permanent place in which the praying would not interfere with his home.

11. Special commandment requires to run, when a person goes to the synagogue, Beit Midrash, or perform a commandment, as it says: "ye shall flee to know Gd." And it said: "By thy precepts escape." Therefore, intending to fulfill the commandment, can be run even on the Sabbath. But in the very synagogue and Beit Midrash run prohibited. And going to the door, let people wait a little, so as not to break into the synagogue suddenly. And let recoil back and feel the fear of his greatness, blessed be His name, and utter the verse: "And I'm in Your great mercy ..." because this he seems to be asking permission to enter, and then let him come in and will be held at the place in fear and trembling, as if the face of the great king.

In those places where Jews belong to the whole street, the commandment requires don the tzitzit and tefillin to put the house in such a way to go to the synagogue. And in those places where Jews live among other nations, or where on the way to the synagogue have to pass the dirty places, you need to put on a tallit and tefillin apply in the hall of the synagogue, because it is very important to enter the synagogue dressed in tzitzit and tefillin crowned.

12. If, due to some unforeseen circumstances, he could not go to the synagogue and Beit Midrash, and in any other continuously gather a minyan, he also can not go - let him spare no effort to gather at his home for ten people to at least at minyan to pray at home. And if this is not possible, though, at least prays at one time with the community, since the time of public prayer - is "a time when prayer is pleasing." And also living in a place where there is no minyan, let him pray in that hour, when the surrounding towns are praying community. But if he should take the Torah or do something absolutely necessary, and before morning prayer is forbidden (as we saw in Chapter 8), it can pray before, from the time when the edge of the sun appears above the horizon.

13. And as a weak person who's hard not to eat anything until the end of public prayer, allowed to pray at home, to eat immediately after that (as stated above, chapter 8, paragraph 2). This permission to pray before the public prayer refers specifically to the prayer house. But if people have already come to the synagogue, where there is a minyan, he can not pray to the community before. And even if he wants to get out of the synagogue to pray before the community in a different location - it can not be this sdelat13. Only if he sees that the community does not have time to pray (to the "Shema" expiration time reading and "Shmone Esre"), it is possible to pray before, so as not to miss vremya14. And also if he is sick or other circumstances require it, he could pray before, even in the synagogue. Yet in this case it is better to go home and pray tam15.

14. According to some opinions, if a synagogue has a minyan to pray, and after that there was about a second, do not KHAZANOV second minyan stand in a crowded place, where there was a first, as it seems disrespectful to the first minyanu16 - if not all members of the first minyan had by this time come out of the synagogue. And if in the first minyan recovered Torah scroll and read it, should not the second minyan retrieve and read it a second time in the same synagogue. But in many communities do not pay attention to it, and let each community receives according to his custom.

15. The community can make all of its members to donate money to build a synagogue or a Beit Midrash, and to buy books for which there will be uchitsya17. And in a place where there is always going to minyan, the community can assign penalties to those who do not come to a minyan to constant sacrifice (instead of a public prayer installed -. Perevi) would bring always on time. And even people who are at this time engaged in the Torah, and came to the minyan, will have to miss a class, you can make coming to minyan because Torah study time should not fall on the hours of prayer.

1 MB are two opinions: According to one of them, it is necessary in any case; and on the other, the one who goes all day without a belt does not have to gird. And in any case, I wish to show the quality of righteousness, let podpoyashetsya.

2 The prohibition to utter words of Torah (as well as to pray, but "Shmone Esre") refers only to those who can not proterpet time required for the passage of the Parsa. And some say that the law of any prayer is the same as "Shmone Esre".

3 And some say that if it were necessary only to urinate, he should not pray again.

4 But if he is afraid that only time will pass public prayer, we can not use this resolution.

5 Ahronim came to the conclusion that the "Shema" with the blessings you need and in this case the read time (without tefillin). And from the words of a Gras it can be concluded that it applies to "Shmone Esre".

5 * A, if it touched the clay or dirt road, MB doubt.

6 This is the case if he goes on the road; and if not on the road - the same as before.

7 For one who goes forward (toward your goal) refers to the time of 72 minutes.

8 And also if he is afraid to miss a prayer minyan.

9 MB, it should not come back at all, even if you are not afraid to miss a prayer minyan.

10 See. Notes 6 and 7.

11 Prayer in the minyan at home rather than alone in the synagogue.

12 and in constant Beit Midrash - even those who do not learn there all the time.

13 If he is in a hurry, for example, going out in the street - he shall go and pray at home. And some say that in general there is no prohibition to get out of the synagogue.

14 And Bach decides that if he has enough time, let them go home and pray there.

15 patients, as well as forced by circumstances, as can be understood from the MB, have the right to pray in the synagogue.

16 And if taken in this synagogue, all the time praying and reading the Torah several minyans - no disrespect.

17 And if the books in many, can not be forced to buy them, because you can borrow them from the inhabitants of the city.