Feud, started Korach, reached the sun and the moon!

Next in our Parsha we read: "And Moses brought before the ... community leaders, experts times, men of renown" (Bamidbar, Chapter 16, Article 2..). Thus the Torah describes the command that gathered for Korach rebellion against Moses

Today no surprise that turned out to be "community leaders" among the rebels and "men of renown." But who are - "experts times"?

Referred to in this passage about the people of scientists, - explained in the Talmud Teacher (tractate Sanhedrin, page 110), - know the rules of the appointment of a leap year and the establishment of the beginning of the month (in Hebrew - Rosh Chodesh).

Can we meet such an explanation? Usually when plotting mischief, increased demand bawlers all kinds, hysterical, etc. Increase dramatically in price commandos and "revolutionary sailors". And it is unlikely someone will need some there "mossy astrologers" who know the phases of the moon and solar cycles.

Therefore, we need more information.

In the Tanakh says, "The sun, the moon stopped at the monastery of their own" (Havakuk book of the prophet, Chapter 3, Article 11..). In discussing the Talmud (tractate Sanhedrin, page 110), this fragment Teachers note that it says just the rebellion of Korah. When Korah and other rebels turned to Moshe with his demagoguery, Sun and Moon cried out to the Creator, "Master of the world! We will not leave our retreat, as long as you do not carry out a fair trial! ".

What business the Moon and the Sun, it would seem, to what is going on down there? Why they had to interfere in someone else's quarrel?

In another treatise Talmud (Hulin sheet 60) tells that initially did Gd sun and the moon - the same. Then Luna said to God: "It's no good to the two kings share a crown!". "Go and diminish yourself," - he replied to this Supreme.

Since then, it has passed the millennium. And Korach started a revolt to, along with Moses, to be king over Israel. After all, if you are holy - all why King can only be one? In this holy community, a place for two kings - developed his idea of Korach.

Two kings in one kingdom? But then, than the moon - is worse? Hence, it can shine on a par with the Sun, not at all inferior to him!

Thus, we see that our lights are directly related to the "case" Korach and his interest in the fair solution. After all, if Korach - rights, and the situation will have to be reviewed.

Interestingly, not only the Sun and Moon followed the developments in the confrontation Moshe Korach group, but also the people of Korah - keep an eye on the Sun and the Moon. Because when the moon meekly agreed to relieve themselves, despite the fact that the first to speak out, in general, correct judgment, the Creator gave it a special privilege - the countdown month in the Jewish calendar it is over the moon. Other nations of the world are known to build their calendar on the sun. It turns out that there are two kings, but everyone - the crown. At the Moon - Israel and the Sun - the other nations of the world.

However, the Jews in their calendar and also use the sun. For example - to determine leap years. And if both the luminaries and the Moon and the Sun are related to our calendar - it turns out that two of the king "wearing" a crown. But once that happens in heaven, and on earth can afford to have a crown was shared between two kings - Moshe and Korach. Korach and therefore need to be included in a group of rebels led by "experts times", which are able to assign a leap year for the sun to set and the beginning of the new month on the moon.

But Moshe himself reacted to these, it is logically justified, claims Korach?

Written in this week's chapter: "And Moses heard and fell on his face" (Bamidbar, Chapter 16, Article 4..).

The expression "to fall down" means - to show the maximum humility. In doing so, Moshe rebels disarmed. They are prepared to talk seriously. rebel group were scientists and eminent people. Among them were the leaders of the community. But what they lacked, so it's - modesty, which is fully possessed the true leader of the people, Moses.

Korach realized that all his so carefully constructed scheme of arguments - crumbled like a house of cards. Shame he was ready to sink into the ground.

Based on the comments of Rabbi Yonnatana Eybshitsa

(The great teacher, the author of dozens of books on all sections of the Oral and the Written Torah, Poland, Germany, the first half of the 18th century)

from http://www.evrey.com