Today 8 Tammuz.

As we can see, the main reason that God loved our father Abraham was that he was "... commanded his sons and his household to follow the ways of Gd." 1 The word "commanded" [also] means "connected", "coupled" - his sons and for his house [with God]. That is, [not his main merit is the fact] that he has passed all the tests. This is absolutely not comparable with the fact that [Abraham] linked with Gd others, helping them to get their own merits [the Creator].


1 Genesis 18:19.

ח תמוז

מצינו דעיקר חבתו של הקב"ה לאברהם אע"ה הי 'למען אשר יצוה - כפירושו יחבר - את בניו ואת ביתו. היינו דכל גודל עבודתו בהנסיונות אינו בערך לגבי הא דיצוה ויחבר אחרים, מה שיזכה אחרים.