Like the Tower of Babel was located in Babylon?

About the value of the Tower of Babel in the Midrash says that the middle part is equal to the width of the circle (diameter?) 3 days pedestrian course. If we consider that the average person goes through 5 km. per hour, then 3 days at 360 km (3 * 24 hours = 72 * 5 km = 360 km). Is Tower could be so wide? What does it mean? It's the distance from town to town (well, as an example). And, moreover, states that the tower was on the plain, I do not remember the name, but is plain was so wide, in fact in the entire width of Israel like this?


In the book-and Seder said Dorothy that the width of the middle part of the tower of Babel (its base sunk into the ground, while the upper part has been destroyed) was 240 kilometers, and the height reached nearly 2000 elbows, i.e. approximately 1200 meters. No wonder it is called the construction of the city-tower, with its summit can be seen, in the words of the Midrash Tanchuma, "palm trees in Jericho." The idea of city-towers at all is not something out of the ordinary in our time. This idea now and then pops up in the minds of architects as one of the urban concepts of the future.

One of the Tower building ideas is to focus the world's population in one place, and it is contrary to the orders of the Creator spread over the surface of the earth and master it. Other her appointment was to be saved from the flood in the future. That is planned, in the case of a flood, to sit on the tower. And the third purpose of it - to learn how to induce artificial rainfall, and, accordingly, to adjust them. All this was done in order to gain "independence" from the Creator of the world, and in fact was a rebellion against him. Such intentions can indeed bring disaster upon humanity, because the construction was stopped.

Sincerely, Alexander Dyers