Chazon Ish

October 22, 2009, from the series "Jewish Sages", the theme: Rabbi, the Chazon Ish, rabbis Biographies

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Rabbi Katz Alexander

Biography Rabbi

Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Bar-Yosef Shmeriyau Karelits (Chazon Ish, 5639-5714 / 1879-1953 / yy.) - the spiritual leader and the leader catechist of his generation.

He was born in the Belarusian town of Kossovo.

His pious mother, Rebbetzin Leah, do not leave the baby with the day of birth with her head uncovered, wearing it especially made a tiny pile (B. Sklar, Shaping the world through Tora and yiras shamayim).

Both father and mother came from families of students of the Vilna Gaon (cm.) - in the home complied with all the customs of the Vilna Gaon.

He studied Torah with his father, who held the post of rabbi in Kossovo.

In 5652/1892 / year, the day of his bar mitzvah, took a vow to devote their lives to studying the Torah Lishma - for the sake of performing the commandments of the Most High (RD Silber, Noble lives, p.42).

The next few years he worked in chevruta (pair) with his older brother p. Meir Karelits, over time have become the rabbi of the Belarusian town Lyakhovichi.

The comprehension of the secrets of the Torah was filled with heart youths happiness. "There is no pleasure in the world, such a diligent study of the Torah," - he wrote in one of his letters. "How wonderful to feel that growing up! - he exclaimed in another letter. - The heart is filled with light, awakened comprehension of the innermost secrets of the Torah! " (Igrot Chazon Ish Part 2, 94).

In one of his later articles p. Avraham Yeshayahu surprisingly accurately conveyed the sense of mystery of the universe, which is awakened in his mind even on the threshold of life. "If a person has a living soul - he wrote, - ... okinet mind's eye the infinite space of the universe, it hardens into a confused and at a loss: the world will appear before him an unsolved mystery. ... His whole being and all his interests will now be addressed only to the mystery ... for her comprehension he would be happy to go through the devouring fire and wild water. What it all the amenities of life, if they hide from him the riddle of the universe! ".

"And thoughtfully looking at all things under the sun - he remarked on - people will begin to understand ... that our universe is built on a pre-conceived projects - like a wise architect drew it before proceeding to the creation. ... A man with a keen analytical mind and discern in all aspects of the overall design of the world, linking it all together ... and his soul will be exhausted by the great desire to know this plan "(Emunah ubitahon 1: 1,1: 4).

After marrying p. Avraham Yeshayahu settled in the Lithuanian town of Kaidan (Kedainiai), near the Kovno (Kaunas).

His wife, Rebbetzin Basia, led the trade in a small shop, and provide for the family, giving him the opportunity to devote himself to Torah (Encyclopedia leveyt Israel t.18).

On weekdays, he almost never left home teaching. Already in those years he was noted for poor health, and every day for him turned into a battlefield between the passionate desire for knowledge of the Torah and the limitations that are imposed painful body. Many years later, the Chazon Ish students admitted: "When there are phrases such as" Rashba comments at the moment I can not "in my books, it does not necessarily mean that I did not have this book. Just sometimes I was so exhausted and worn out that he could not get up and get to the bookshelf »(B. Sklar, Shaping the world ...).

During this period he spent five years in a row to an in-depth study of the Talmudic tractate Avodah Zarah. Later, when one of the closest people to him asked, "Is it true that the Chazon Ish able to learn a hundred sheets of the Talmud in one day ?!", he replied: "I do not know. But I do know that he is able to study a single sheet for a hundred days "(ibid).

In 5671/1911 / year, p. Avraham Yeshayahu published in Vilna (Vilnius), his first book, the Chazon Ish (Insight Human), containing analytical notes to some sections of the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch Code.

The book was published without the author's name, but it was hidden in the word ish (the letter Aleph, Yod and tires - Avraham Yeshayahu).

Subsequently p. Karelits anonymously published more than twenty books, containing his alahicheskie study, and they were entitled to the Chazon Ish - the name of the multi-volume series replaced the author's name is not known to a wider audience.

During the First World War, along with thousands of other Jews, he was forcibly relocated from the front line in the interior of Russia. For a while he lived in Minsk. In 5680/1920 /, he left Soviet Russia and settled in Vilna.

During these years, he led the life nistara - righteous secret, hiding from others their spiritual achievements: it is authentic, the highest level in understanding the Torah was known only to a limited circle of people, which included such leaders of Lithuanian Jewry as p. Israel Meir Akoen (Chofetz Haim; cm.) And p. Haim-Lakes Grodzhensky (cm.).

These illustrious sages saw in him a direct spiritual heir of the Vilna Gaon. Chazon Ish has adopted not only customs Gaon and his methods of studying the Torah - in the books, bringing alahicheskie solutions, it is usually followed by the opinion of the Vilna Gaon, even in cases where the Goan disagree with the greatest teachers of the law of the past. Chazon Ish stated: "For us, Agra (Vilna Gaon) is on a par with Moshe Rabbeinu, Ezra, with Rabbi Yehuda Anasi (compiler of the Mishnah), Rav Ashi (the originator of the Babylonian Talmud) and the Rambam" (Kovetz Igrot Part 1, 32).

And yet, if the result of an impartial investigation Chazon Ish comes to the conclusion, contrary to the opinion of the Vilna Gaon, he strongly argued with him in his alahicheskih Finally, he was guided, first and foremost, not the weight of an authority, but "common sense and strict logic, aimed at achieving a genuine understanding of the Torah "(ibid, part 1, 12).

Like the Vilna Gaon, the Chazon Ish deeply studied natural sciences and mathematics. When his disciples drew attention to the fact that he refers to his astronomical calculations as respectfully as to alahicheskim manuscripts, the Chazon Ish explained: "The Torah includes all other sciences, ... and if we turn to these sciences for deeper understanding Torah, they too become the Torah in the literal sense of the word "(Peer ador vol.3, p.64). On another occasion, discussing astronomical calculations Rambam (cm.), The Chazon Ish said that although "these estimates are based on the study of non-Jewish scholars, but Rambam used them to establish Alah - so they have become an integral part of the Torah, and one who studies them , studies the Torah "(R. Chaim Kanev, Shekel Hakodesh).

In the early 5690's / 1930 / s with the help of the Land of Israel chief rabbi p. Abraham-Isaac Cook (cm.) Chazon Ish received from the British occupation authorities a certificate granting the right to legal entry to Palestine. In 5693/1933 / year, at the age of fifty-four years, he made aliyah and settled first in Tel Aviv and then with 5697/1937 / year in Bnei Brak - new settlement based immigrants from Eastern Europe, to remain faithful traditional Jewish values.

Chazon Ish settled in the quarter called Zichron Meir in a tiny apartment near the river. Yaakov Yisrael Kanevsky (Stayplerom; cm.), Who was married to his sister - soon their house became the center of spiritual life of Bnei Brak.

After the death of the great Chafetz Chaim, followed in 5693/1933 / year, Hazon Ish finally "opened" and took on his shoulders the load of an orphaned generation. As in Lithuania, he is not held in the Holy Land, no official posts: he was not the head of the yeshiva, or rabbi of the community - and yet, its real level of comprehension of laws of the Torah was so high that all the scribes Bnei Brak, the Land of Israel and then the entire Jewish world were drawn to him for solving the problem and acknowledged its supreme authority (Encyclopedia leveyt t.18 Israel; Rabbi N. Zakon, The Jewish Experience p.222; Noble lives, p.43).

Especially significant contribution to the Chazon Ish has made in establishing alahicheskih provisions relating to the application of new technologies, as well as in the study of agricultural laws, the implementation of which is possible only in the Land of Israel - and primarily Shmita laws (sabbatical year).

Chazon Ish sought to consolidate haredimnye communities of the Holy Land, by organizing all aspects of their life in strict compliance with the laws of the Torah. He initiated the creation of multiple Kollel and yeshivas - his influence Bnei - Marriage has become one of the world's bastion of Torah.

Primary task Chazon Ish seen to protect the young generation from the heart poisonous influence of secular environment and against the penetration of alien souls Torah ideas. Based on this, he demanded that "yeshiva students are not allowed to engage in secular subjects all the time until they are shipped with youthful enthusiasm to the study of the Torah" (Kovetz Igrot Part 1, 50).

When a Chazon Isham consulted about the exclusion of a young man from the yeshiva, he usually tried to prevent this by saying: "This is not a disciplinary issue - it is a matter of life and death!". One day he was asked whether or not to exclude from the yeshiva student who was caught stealing. In response, the Chazon Ish asked his companion if he kicks someone out of the yeshiva for the utterance of "lashon macaw" (for slander) - and said, "What one of these sins worse than the other ?! And in fact, and in another case Bakhur (man) does not deserve the death penalty! " (B. Sklar, Shaping the world ...).

"In our time, to save the child, giving him the opportunity to be educated in the Torah world, - he wrote in one of his letters - it is nothing less than save the life of a child drowning in the river" (Kovetz Igrot Part 2, 47).

At the same time, the Chazon Ish strongly opposed swept the Jewish world wave profanity, for example, against the "popular" presentation of the innermost sections of the Torah, when, using his expression, "from the street" snatch a shoemaker or blacksmith, and begin to teach "bondage" (Meuse ish v.3, p.95). However, when asked whether a person not familiar with the mysteries of Kabbalah, study cabalistic book Zohar (Radiance), he replied: "To study - is forbidden, but read on to feel the awe of Gd - not only can but also the greatest commandment, because none of the wise men of the books does not inspire a person to the same extent as the holy Zohar "(R. Dov Eliyahu, Agaon s.869-870).

In the last period of the life of the Chazon Ish he devoted the bulk of his time receiving numerous visitors who came to him, not only with alahicheskimi issues, but also for advice in various areas of life.

A significant part of the visitors turned to him with problems related to the restoration of health, and the Chazon Ish specifically studied medicine in order to more efficiently and effectively to help thirsty healing. "I think - he wrote - that all preventive and therapeutic measures necessary for the conservation and restoration of health are not only human duty, but also a commandment ... and we see that even the sages of the Talmud has been accessed in search of healing not only to doctors of the peoples of the world, but also to the Jews, apostates "(Chazon Ish Igrot 136). "Even though, - said it in one of his articles - the one who is at the highest level of faith and hope, can do even without the aid of medicine - it is destiny only the greatest saints, like Rabbi Simeon bar Yochai" (Chazon Ish, Ktav Ktav Publishing House p.26).

Based on this understanding, the Chazon Ish never resorted in order to help those who suffer to the methods of practical Kabbalah. "We have no right to expel demonic forces, because they are created by God, blessed be He, and do his bidding. Only the righteous saints who know the highest secrets - such as Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and his followers - had power over the demonic forces that obey their commands. ... But we, for that matter, completely helpless, and do not let us Gd use practical techniques bondage - even the sages of the Mishnah and Talmud, have resorted to the help of doctors and medicines, not to do so. Our strength - our lips in prayer to the Almighty: in prayer for healing "(Kovetz Igrot part 3, 158).

In its recommendations on health issues, as well as in dealing with other problems in life, the Chazon Ish came primarily from the knowledge gained by him in public, legislative, sections of the Torah.

One night on his door knocked distraught man, young son whom an emergency operation that affects the brain doctors warned that, in case of cancellation of the operation, the child is doomed to a quick death - however, and do similar operations in most cases led to death. After listening to the visitor, Chazon Ish closed eyes and into silence, which lasted for at least fifteen minutes. Then he said that we should operate.

After the operation, which lasted more than six hours, the doctors told my father that if his son did not come during the day in mind - hence, the situation is hopeless. A day later the surgeon who performed the operation, threw his hands up in defeat in the struggle with the disease. The unfortunate father again hurried to the Hazon Isha. Chazon Ish said, "Your son is not a twenty-four and seventy-two hours." Indeed, three days after the operation the child had recovered, and after a few weeks - has recovered completely. When this story is finished, close the Chazon Ish asked him what he was thinking for a quarter of an hour during the first meeting with the child's father. Chazon Ish explained that analyzed a fragment of the Talmud (Avodah Zarah 27b), which deals with similar problems saving lives - and information about the seventy-two hours of the postoperative expectations he learned from the Mishnah. "When we follow the instructions of the Torah - he added - all goes well" (Maaseiah avoteynu, Beaalotha).

Another time, in a similar position - between life and death - proved to be one of the most famous experts on the Torah: and his doctors said that without a complicated operation, he will not live long; At the same time it warned that the operation itself deadly. Unable to resolve this tragic dilemma, he went to the Holy Land, to consult with the Chazon ischemia.

Chazon Ish warmly welcomed the guest and met with him for several days - but every time I talked to him only on Torah topics. Once the patient is trying to start a conversation about his misfortune, he ran into a wall of silence. Finally, on the last day of his stay in the Holy Land, he firmly asked the festering issue. After listening to a guest, the Chazon Ish said, "Do you have any money to tzedakah? Give them to me, and I will give them to their destination. " Guest willing to give a certain amount, deferred it for charity. "No, this is not enough" - said the Chazon Ish. Guest handed him a few bills. Chazon Ish has made it clear that this is not enough. The guests began to spread on the table all their cash. "Take as much as you need to on the way back - ordered the Chazon Ish - and let me rest." After receiving the money, the Chazon Ish said, "You can do the operation. All goes well. " As a result of the operation of the Torah expert fully regained health and lived for another twenty-five years.

And in this case, the Chazon Ish acted in accordance with the instructions of the Talmudic sages who claimed that "tzedakah redeems in the hour of mortal danger" (E. Greenberg Women s.201-202 woman).

Somehow, in the last years of his life, one of the closest disciples asked Chazon Ish: what is the purpose of the Vilna Gaon and other sages went into voluntary exile (Galut), in a multi-year wandering in the Diaspora. Chazon Ish explained that the purpose of "Galut" consisted not to limit yourself to food and other pleasures of life - after all, the whole house Gaon diet consisted of bread with salt and water. The essence of self-imposed exile was, in the words of the Chazon Ish, that these wise men were deprived itself of great value - the rest they need for in-depth study of the Torah. They felt the need at times to descend from their heavenly heights and, mingling with the people, get to know his troubles and worries from the source. "If so, - said student - in a self-imposed exile, and you can go, ie leave the walls of the house?". Chazon Ish smiled and nodded in agreement (Agaon s.770).

In 5713/1953 / year when the conflict escalated over the refusal of girls from religious families to serve in the army, the first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion visited the Chazon Ish in his home in Bnei Brak. During this conversation, were the basic principles of coexistence haredimnoy Earth community of Israel and the secular Zionist state (The Jewish Experience p.222).

In his writings alahicheskih Chazon Ish ruled that, from the point of view of the laws of the Torah, the modern secular Jews are not "The Departed", which should feel hatred. To determine their status, he used the Talmudic concept tinokot shenishbu (stolen babies), equating their spiritual "orphan" to the children of the tragedy, captured and raised among strangers - because modern assimilated Jews, not only did not know anything about his Jewishness, but also feel like part of a people and an alien culture. Chazon Ish stressed that such "adult babies" should not rebuke and repel, but on the contrary, "return to the Torah with all the delicacy and love to which we are able" (Chazon Ish, Yore Deah 2:16).

He painfully experienced the situation when he said, "thousands and tens of thousands of Jewish children receive a secular education, burning their bodies and souls" - this state of affairs, he is considered the greatest national tragedy in Jewish history (B. Sklar, Shaping the world ... ). "Our most important duty - he wrote in a letter, - the sons of the heart to return to Heavenly Father" (Kovetz Igrot Part 1, 83).

R. Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, the Chazon Ish, died Saturday night of the fifteenth Cheshvan 5714/1953 / year in Bnei Brak.